Evergarden Farms

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Evergarden Team Supports Seattle Youth Program
In cooperation with SIXR, a Seattle firm that develops video visualizations of engineering projects, Evertarden is conducting a joint-venture training program in association with William Grose Center, which is building a variety of youth-oriented programs for its local community. We will be updating this article as the project proceeds. Also watch the member updates for personal comments.

On February 22 and 23, a team comprised of Michael Twiggs, Kade Eckert and Rees Clark presented a preliminary schema for an indoor garden to about a dozen young adults. The program exposed the participants to basic concepts of indoor gardening, including study of the food deserts, nutrition, crops suitable for indoor growing, alternative growing methods and aspects of the economics of individual gardens and urban development.

Organizing the program was Budi Mulyo of SIXR, a local firm that creates video and virtual reality conceptualizations of architectural projects. In this case, the youths will design and supervise implementation and production of microgreens at a new indoor garden to be built at the WG Center during the spring of 2023. The meeting was sponsored by Ty Griffin and Evan Poncelet of the Grose Center, which is part of Africatown Community Land Trust, a local development organization.